Welcome to My Blog
Me in my element - Nature! - Nourish
A little bit about me
Hello everyone!
This is my first blog and I am excited to spend a little time with you. My name is Suzanne on my business items but my friends and family call me Suzie. I am a certified Master Nutrition Therapist and I have always had an interest and passion for health and nutrition.
In fact, I was in a store the other day and the TV was on. The show that was playing was talking about how harmful sugar is and how much sugar is consumed by our teens today. I have a book called the ‘Sugar Blues’ by William Duffy, which was published in 1975. I was still a teenager! The book discusses how bad sugar is for our body and how we need to be aware of the amount we consume. If you have done the math, that is 45 years of interest and a passion for health and nutrition.
I hope that I can bring some value to those of you who choose to follow me here at Nourish, and share some of my experience and knowledge with you.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
A little bit about my website
Today I will explain the whys of the links on my business page.
As a Master Nutrition Therapist I turned my passion and interest in health and nutrition into a career. After years of studying, learning, and testing myself, I have developed relationships based on trust with a number of brands and companies that I feel support not just their customers, but the whole nutrition ecosystem as well. These companies supply vitamins and supplements, oils, and even fitness clothes. For today I want to walk through each one of the companies on my website and introduce them to you.
The reason I have chosen to use the Wellevate site from Emerson Ecologic as my supplement ordering site is simply because I have worked with Emerson Ecologic for many years. They have hundreds of brands available and I have the ability to customize a supplement protocol specific to my clients’ needs and make recommendations for them in their personal accounts. Orders are shipped promptly and without error, products are always well packaged, and the quality has always been superior. The Wellevate site is open to anyone that is seeking professional grade, top quality supplements which are not available to you in the local grocery stores or health food stores.
Photo by Angel Sinigersky on Unsplash
Because I am a Nutrition Therapist, going through my site gives you, the consumer, access to these products. Aaaannnnddd you’re welcome. Lol ;)
Of course, if you ever have questions regarding your nutrition or supplements, and how they can support your overall health, please feel free to book an appointment with me. I also do complimentary 20 minute consultations for first time clients. I am more than happy and willing to guide you through the thousands of supplements that are out there as, surprise surprise, not all supplements are right for you!
Savvi Fitness Clothing
Next, I would like to address why I have a Fitness Clothing site on my Webpage. Proper nutrition and supplements are not the only key to a healthy mind and body! Exercise is equally as important as it aids in the prevention of chronic disease, enhances brain and nervous system function, and helps us manage stress at every age. Exercise is so important for our well-being that many medical organizations are educating physicians about the proper type and frequency of exercise for people who are in good health, as well as those managing chronic health conditions. Exercise is considered medicine in most circles nowadays.
People with low levels of physical activity are at higher risk for disease. Throughout life, inactivity can worsen arthritis symptoms, increase lower-back pain, trigger depression and anxiety, and contribute to stress-related illness. Research shows that many positive changes occur throughout the body during and immediately after exercise. These changes often have a cumulative effect - the more consistently you exercise, the more efficient, healthy, stronger, and resilient the body becomes.
The same goes for the brain. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain, helps build new blood vessels and neural connections, and has been shown to enhance memory and learning. So If you exercise regularly I recommend Savvi fitness wear. I don’t sell gym memberships or make rec center recommendations. I don’t need to sell gym clothes either, but the clothes are great quality, and Savvi stands behind them and their customers.
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash
The biggest plus is the price point. I have the popular brands of fitness wear in my closet and I have paid top dollar for them! But, I love these clothes and I don’t break the bank when I want something new. I am getting good quality, great fitting workout wear that I feel comfortable in! That means something to me. Plus, they carry casual everyday wear that is fashionable and cute. It is important to me to look “presentable” when I’m exercising. I’m not one to do the makeup and everything, but I like well fitting, functional clothes that look good. I’m sorry men, Savvi doesn’t have a men’s line yet, but they are working on it. Stay tuned and be patient!
Lastly, why the döTERRA essential oils? döTERRA is a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the Earth”. I couldn’t do what I do without feeling a connection with the earth and the healing that is available from it. This is where our food comes from! Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants that capture the scent and flavor of those plants. These oils are used for many purposes and I have experienced the benefits of these oils and grown to love them. My family does too.
My little granddaughters were playing one day and my daughter sent me a picture… they had their oils set up in categories and were pretending to use them for their dolls, and stuffed animals. I laughed and it warmed my heart. I knew I was passing something of myself and of value onto them.
I chose döTerra because of the unparalleled quality of the oils, the company, the integrity, and the values of the leadership team. They give back to every country they source from and every village they harvest from. The oils are CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade), sustainably sourced, and third party tested for purity. If you would like to know more about the oils, please call or just click on the the link and read about the oils and the company yourself.
This about wraps up everything - I thought this first blog would a good place to explain why I have chosen the brands that I work with and give a little insight as to what matters to me…enough to share with you on my business site. My blogs going forward will vary in content and have wellness tips, maybe a recipe or two (haha, cooking is not my passion but I cook because we must eat to live), and relevant info about what’s happening in the world of health and nutrition. I hope this sheds some light on some of the things I personally care about.
Stay safe, get outside, 6 feet apart, and wave and smile everyday to your neighbors!!